Kharif sowing crosses the 100-million-ha mark; rice leads

The total area planted during the current kharif season crossed the 100-million-hectare mark this week. And for the first time this year, rice planting overtook the area sown in the previous season, according to data released by the Agriculture Ministry on Friday.

The total area under cultivation, however, is still marginally lower at 1,023 (lakh hectare) as compared to 1,027 lh covered during the corresponding week last year. Rice planting, on the other hand, was completed on 370 lh as against 368 lh covered in same period in the previous year.

Soyabean sowing which stood close to 112 lh was almost complete. Soyabean acreage, which is 6.24 per cent higher than the same period last year, gave an impetus to the oilseeds sector, helping it to edge up from the previous season by 4 lh. Groundut area, however, is down 2 per cent at 39 lh.

Cash crops

The area under pulses continues to be 2.55 per cent lower as compared to the corresponding period last year at 133 lh, particularly because of a 13 per cent drop in uradbean acreage. Moongbean continues to be higher than the previous year, while arhar acreage remained static at 44 lh. Sugarcane acreage hit a record 52 lh(50 lh). Cotton coverage stood at 118 lh (120 lh).

Storage levels up

According to Central Water Commission, water storage in key 91 reservoirs stood at 112. 1 billion cubic metre, 69 per cent of live capacity. The cumulative capacity during the corresponding week last year was 85.07 BCM.